Inspiring People to
Recognize Possibilities
& Lead Meaningful Lives

Contact Us Sign Up For Training Employment

We offer people with disabilities the resources they need to make life choices and set their own goals. OHI
is a Maine-based, public nonprofit organization providing supports and services for the past 40 years.

Inspiring People to
Recognize Possibilities
& Lead Meaningful Lives

Contact Us Sign Up For Training Employment

We offer people with disabilities the resources they need to make life choices and set their own goals. OHI
is a Maine-based, public nonprofit organization providing supports and services for the past 40 years.

Mental Health Services

We believe that with the right combination of support services, everyone can move ahead, successfully reach their goals, and work toward their full potential — and we see it happen every day.

• Skills Development Services
• Residential Treatment Services
• Behavioral Health Home Services

About Mental Health Services
Mental Health <span>Services</span>

Intellectual Disability Services

With the help and support of OHI, people achieve their own personal milestones. OHI guides and teaches life lessons to help each person in their community. Emotional management and assistance in helping people establish strong relationships with friends and community members also is encouraged through OHI.

More About Intellectual Disability Services
Intellectual Disability <span>Services</span>

Eagle's Nest Clubhouse

The Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse is a community-based social and vocational
rehabilitation program uniquely featuring employment as the primary
rehabilitation tool for members to become engaged and recover functioning.

More About Eagle's Nest Clubhouse
Eagle's Nest Clubhouse

Other Services

Brewer Area Food Pantry

Located at 222 North Main Street, it opens Monday and Wednesday each month. The food pantry serves residents of Brewer and Eddington, Maine; however, during the COVID-19 Pandemic and at least until there’s an endemic, the food pantry supports any person or family who is food insecure.

More About Brewer Area Food Pantry


OHI’s Professional Development (training department) is seen as one of the premier training facilities in the central Maine area. We do offer training appropriate for all industries.

More About Training

We Offer People With Disabilities
the Resources They Need to Make
Life Choices and Set Their Own Goals